Ace of Swords

Keywords: clarity, decision, idea, judgment
The Ace embodies the potential of its suit. On an energetic level, it is pure potential containing within itself both the start and the entirety of the suit.
On a practical level, the Ace of Swords Tarot card meaning can indicate a clear decision, a new idea, a swift conclusion or judgment. Think of this card as the Sword of the Mind. When the mind is highly focused and clear, it results in high intelligence, precise speech, supreme clarity and understanding, solid logic. It is razor sharp in its perception, creation and destruction.
Depending on your Tarot card reading, the Ace of Swords meaning can be positive, negative, neutral, symbolic or even literal. Now that you have a general understanding of the Ace of Swords card meaning, you will know how to apply it to your Tarot card reading.
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