The Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck tells a fascinating story that unfolds through cards Ace to King across the four suits in the Tarot. Many secrets are hidden within a deck of Tarot cards. In this series, we are exploring Minor Arcana card meanings in a way that is simple to understand and easy to remember for your Tarot card readings.

Minor Arcana Tarot Card Meanings
Learn Tarot card meanings with this Minor Arcana series that explores the numerological meaning of each number in the suit. Each number has its own special significance and exists for a reason. As we go through the cards Ace to 10, you will understand how the energy flows through each suit. Although each suit has the same cards, the energy of each suit manifests in different ways, while still following its numerological significance.
Once you truly understand the meaning of the numbers, you will intuitively understand Tarot card meanings and will not need to memorize anything. So let’s continue.
The Threes
Keywords: the fruit of a union, a harmonizing element, the balance of opposites
The Three emerges out of a union of the Twos - a child from two parents, an idea out of a partnership, or an external factor added in. This new addition changes the established dynamic and brings in a new dimension. ✨ Each suit of the Minor Arcana represents a sphere of life, each with its own flavour and flow.
Three of Cups - the love and happiness that is created in a partnership spills out and is shared with more people. It represents parties, socializing and enjoying emotional connection with friends.
Three of Pentacles - after doing some evaluation in the Two, it is now clear what needs to be learned and improved. This card shows a time of study, getting practical skills and learning with a long term goal in mind.
Three of Wands - your desires have been visualized in the Two, and now you take action, set things in motion and form a team to realize your ambitions. The Wands are fuelled by passion, inspiration and drive.
Three of Swords - in the Two, you went within to form a decision not influenced by others, but now a third sword has pierced your heart. Maybe hurtful words from someone, maybe an unavoidable truth or your own thoughts caused you pain. Interestingly, the only card that shows a wounded heart is in the suit of Swords, which is the mind, thoughts and communication. Maybe this indicates that we hurt ourselves most with the stories we tell ourselves, the narratives we attach to, the words we say, and the truths we refuse to accept.