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Tarot Card Meanings: The Balanced Eights

The Minor Arcana in Tarot tells a fascinating story that unfolds through cards Ace to King across the four suits in a Tarot card deck. Many secrets are hidden within a deck of Tarot cards. In this series, we are exploring Minor Arcana Tarot card meanings in a way that is simple to understand and easy to remember for your Tarot card readings.

Minor Arcana Tarot Card Meanings

When learning the Tarot card meanings of the Minor Arcana, it helps to understand how the Tarot deck came to be.

The Tarot card deck has 78 cards, 22 of which are the Major Arcana. The 22 Major Arcana cards are believed to be the original Tarot deck and hold the deepest secrets of the Tarot. They talk about the journey of the human soul, include universal archetypes and esoteric meanings.

The other 56 cards were added later and make up the Minor Arcana. They come from a deck playing cards that were used for cartomancy and divination, and have the same 4 suits and numbers (the Tarot also has Pages in addition to Knights, Queens and Kings).

A great way to learn Minor Arcana Tarot card meanings is to understand the numerology of each card and then interpret it in the context of the suit. Take a look at the Tarot meanings of the Aces, Twos, ThreesFours, FivesSixes, and Sevens. Now, let’s learn about the Eights.

The Eights

Keywords: rebalancing, security, long-term investments

In the Eights, we see how the challenge of the Sevens was dealt with. After the struggle of the previous card comes a time of rebalancing, development and making conclusions. The 8 is made up of two 4s - a number representing solidity and security. The 8 is therefore doubly as strong as a 4 plus it has its own special quality that keeps the two 4s together in balance. We can see the 8 as a number of structure, symmetry and stability.

The 8 of Swords - in the 7 of Swords, we see an imbalance - a thief is stealing something in the night, a sabotage, a betrayal. In the 8 of Swords, the universe balances this through creating a restriction where in the past there was none. The expression "one's hands are tied" is fitting here, indicating circumstances beyond one's control. Sometimes this is brought about by external forces, but it could also be the result of our own actions, big and small, accumulated over time.

When the 8 of Swords shows up in your Tarot card reading, the meaning can be restriction, confinement, entrapment, whether by our own mind or by external circumstances. Unable to see a way out, we need to liberate ourselves from the inside - free our mind from negative thoughts or the belief that we can't escape, when in reality our feet are free to move. In this situation, just take a step forward even if you believe it to be impossible and you might be surprised.

The 8 of Cups - this card shows a decision made to leave something behind and move forward. The previous card, 7 of Cups, showed a time of indecision with many options, testing our true values and the ability to discern wisely. We may have chosen incorrectly and become disillusioned, or maybe we were able to stay true to ourselves and choose wisely. In either case, we now find ourselves here - moving away from something, a situation, a way of life, an inauthentic way of being. In the 8, our emotional balance is restored. We are following our heart once again. It takes courage and honesty to follow your own path, but it is the only thing that truly brings inner peace and fulfillment.

The 8 of Pentacles - the 7 of Pentacles was a time of re-evaluation and reassessment, and the 8 of Pentacles shows renewed dedication to a long term goal. Conclusions have been made in the previous card, unfruitful investments have been abandoned and a new plan was created. The 8 of Pentacles is a time of investment into work with a long term goal. Experience and skills have been strengthened over time and are bringing a new balance into material and financial life. This is a great time to build a solid plan and get to work. The 8 of Pentacles card meaning is a time of hard work - slow and steady, deliberate, patient, investing effort, time and energy. Do not expect instant results, but with persistence, effort and dedication you will build a secure future for years and even decades to come.

The 8 of Wands - the volatile and passionate suit of Wands finds balance in the 8 by mobilizing its energy into swift, deliberate action. Previously, in the 7 of Wands, there was a challenge of resisting opposing forces, defending your position, dealing with competition, making it difficult for you to act and follow your plan. This was meant to test and strengthen your will, your courage and your convictions. Now, in the 8, this energy has been balanced. The drive and energy within you is now released into action. You have been tried and tested and now you are stronger than ever. You have refined your beliefs, your vision, your plan of action. You are no longer battling against your opposition, you are driven by the fire inside you. The 8 of Wands Tarot card meaning indicates unexpected action, many messages, travel, surprises, fast change, carrying out a plan of action.

Learn how this energy evolves into the Nine in the next post.

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